November 15

Maintenance Tips for Power Wheels

Purchasing a shiny new set of Power Wheels for your kid is only a fraction of the problem. The real trouble is maintaining your child’s favorite new toy vehicle.  In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about maintaining your kid’s set of Power Wheels so that you can ensure that the toy lasts until your kid outgrows it.

The following are some of the factors you must consider to increase the life span of the Power Wheels product.


This is the single most important component of the Power Wheels vehicle. The battery not only decides how long the vehicle can be driven but also the speed. A poorly charged or depleted battery can make the vehicle very sluggish indeed.

Changing a depleted battery might sound simple, but it should not be taken for granted. You must make sure that you change the depleted battery with a suitable replacement. You need to read the manual to ensure that you complete the process properly and always remember to purchase a certified battery for the Power Wheels vehicle.

You must not charge the battery too frequently as all batteries come with a limited number of charge/discharge cycles. Also, remember to use certified chargers only. Using an incompatible charger can cause irreparable damage to the battery.

Regular Inspection of Power Wheels

You must follow a routine inspection of your child’s Power Wheels to ensure your kid’s safety at all times. This inspection will be especially useful if your kid drives in outdoor environments frequently. Prolonged driving sessions over uneven surfaces can loosen the wheels and might result in injury. Hence, it is best if you can inspect the wheels every time your kid heads outside to drive.

Driving Conditions

Driving Power Wheels in extreme weather conditions can reduce the life of the product drastically. Whether it is freezing cold or unbearably hot, you should not allow your kid to take the Power Wheels outdoors. Under extreme conditions, it is best to drive the vehicle indoors.

Replacing Malfunctioning Parts

Before replacing a broken part of the Power Wheels vehicle, you must consult the warranty information, especially if your product is under warranty. Some companies do not allow the customer to replace certain parts of the vehicle and your warranty will be void if you do so.


We hope that this article provided you with some useful tips to maintain your kid’s Power Wheels vehicle. Always remember to consult the customer care before repairing the toy on your own. Or else, just check out review of power wheels in the market.


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